
敬业善举树立中国正面形象Dedicated to helping build a positive image of the China

(中华时报英国 赵雪湄)目前,英国冠状病毒爆发,疫情严重。英国钢铁业收购者敬业集团,从中国派专机,满载医疗防护物资,准备运抵集团所在地斯肯索普。British Steel owner Jingye prepare to send a private jet from China with ‘medical and protective supplies for Scunthorpe’ amid coronavirus outbreak

据英媒报道,英钢新主人敬业集团,已派出私人飞机,准备飞往斯肯索普镇,机上满载医疗和防护用品与设备,用以保护工人在冠状病毒爆发期间的安全,并维持生产运营。The new owners of Scunthorpe’s steelworks have sent a private jet carrying medical and protective equipment to keep workers safe and maintain operations amid the coronavirus outbreak, according to national reports.

据信,中国敬业集团在英国一系列物资援助计划中,有一半将捐赠给该镇医院。 And it is believed half of the Chinese Jingye Group’s aid package will be donated to the town’s hospital.

据悉,飞机已载运物资抵达机场,准备启航。药品、检测仪,温度计和医用手套,以及口罩和护目镜等等品类丰富。 The aircraft was said to be delivering equipment including forehead temperature check devices, thermometers and medical gloves, as well as face masks and goggles

在此之前,敬业集团也已通过其他渠道,运抵英国一大批援助抗疫的医疗物资。Ahead of the private plane’s flight, Jingye group has already imported a large quantity of medical supplies to aid in the fight against the epidemic.