(赵雪湄)2024年度英国体育新闻奖(SJA British Sports Journalism Awards)于3月24日晚在伦敦举行,全面表彰过去一年在体育写作、摄影与广播领域表现杰出的媒体人与机构,被誉为英国体育传媒界的至高荣誉。
英国体育新闻奖(SJA British Sports Journalism Awards)颁奖盛典上,BBC的凯利·凯茨(Kelly Cates)荣获“年度主持人”奖项。
《卫报》成为最大赢家之一,包揽五项大奖。首席体育撰稿人巴尼·罗奈(Barney Ronay)荣获“年度专栏作家”与“流行文化评论员”双奖,资深记者唐纳德·麦克雷(Donald McRae)蝉联“最佳特写作者”与“年度专业记者”。
广播板块方面,天空体育新闻的“转会截止日特别报道”获评“年度电视节目”;罗伊·基恩(Roy Keane)获得“年度评论员”;凯利·凯茨(Kelly Cates)摘得“年度主持人”;高级记者杰朗特·休斯(Geraint Hughes)荣膺“赛事解说奖”。
CNN体育主播阿曼达·戴维斯(Amanda Davies)在激烈竞争中脱颖而出,获评“年度广播记者”。她击败了来自BBC、天空新闻、亚马逊等媒体的多位强劲对手,并称这项荣誉“极具意义”。
写作类大奖方面,《The Athletic》记者大卫·奥恩斯坦(David Ornstein)获得“年度体育写作记者”称号。《星期日泰晤士报》与《每日电讯报》也分别在报纸和专题写作等项目中斩获佳绩。
(By May Zhao)The 2024 British Sports Journalism Awards, organised by the Sports Journalists’ Association (SJA), were held in London on the evening of March 24, honouring outstanding achievements in sports writing, photography, and broadcasting over the past year. Widely regarded as the highest accolade in UK sports media, the awards celebrate excellence across the industry.
The Guardian emerged as one of the biggest winners of the night, taking home five awards. Chief sports writer Barney Ronay was named both Columnist of the Year and Popular Culture Commentator of the Year, while veteran journalist Donald McRae retained his titles as Feature Writer of the Year and Specialist Correspondent of the Year.
In broadcasting, Sky Sports News’ Deadline Day coverage won Television Show of the Year. Roy Keane was awarded Pundit of the Year, Kelly Cates was named Presenter of the Year, and senior reporter Geraint Hughes received the award for Sports Summariser of the Year.
Amanda Davies, sports anchor for CNN, won Broadcast Journalist of the Year in a highly competitive category. She prevailed over strong contenders from the BBC, Sky News, Amazon Prime, and others, describing the honour as “really, really special.”
In writing, David Ornstein of The Athletic was named Sportswriter of the Year. The Sunday Times and The Daily Telegraph also won major awards in the newspaper and feature-writing categories.
This year’s ceremony, held in partnership with Canon, featured over 30 award categories and attracted wide participation from leading national and international media outlets, showcasing the depth, professionalism, and diversity of the British sports media landscape.