“价值为先”——巴赫在古奥林匹亚开启第144届国际奥委会全会,致敬历史 展望未来values first: bach opens 144th ioc session in ancient olympia, honouring history and looking to the future

2025年3月18日,国际奥委会(IOC)主席托马斯·巴赫今日在希腊古奥林匹亚的国际奥林匹克学院,开启第144届国际奥委会全会。他以“价值为先”(Values First)为主题,回顾奥林匹克精神的历史意义,并表达对奥林匹克运动未来的信心。新当选的希腊总统康斯坦丁·塔苏拉斯出席了开幕仪式。






IOC President Thomas Bach today opened the 144th IOC Session at the International Olympic Academy in Ancient Olympia, Greece. Under the theme “Values First,” Bach reflected on the enduring significance of Olympic values and expressed strong confidence in the future of the Olympic Movement. The newly elected President of Greece, Constantine Tassoulas, attended the opening ceremony.

Bach emphasised that it is these values that have made the Olympic Games unique for millennia. “As guardians, we have a responsibility to unite around these values and pass them on to future generations,” he said. At the same time, he warned that these values remain fragile. The ancient Olympic Games perished when political and commercial interests overpowered the ideals of sport, and it took Pierre de Coubertin to revive them 131 years ago.

“Gathering here in Ancient Olympia, we experience a rare moment where the past, present, and future come together,” Bach said. During this Session in Greece, the IOC will elect its 10th President to succeed Bach, whose term ends this June.

Bach expressed his deep gratitude to the Greek hosts, noting that “Greece and its civilisation have gifted the world two treasures: democracy and the Olympic Games.” He also reminded IOC Members of the ancient Olympic Truce (ekecheiria), highlighting the deep historical connection between the Olympic Games and peace.

He reflected on the fact that Pierre de Coubertin’s heart rests in Ancient Olympia, symbolising the union of ancient and modern Olympic ideals. Quoting de Coubertin, Bach said: “The Olympic Games are a pilgrimage to the past and an act of faith in the future.”

“With ‘Values First’ as our guide, let us honour our roots and work together to shape an even brighter future for the Olympic Movement,” Bach concluded.

