2025蛇年鐘聲即將敲響之際,加拿大阿省Danielle Smith省長1月25日晚在McDougall Centre(有百年歷史的美術學院派建築),與一百五十餘位中外嘉賓和僑領共同慶祝了首屆非遺的中國農曆春節。
邀請函寫道:Lunar New Year is an important festival celebrated in East Asian and Southeast Asian communities, and we would like to honour that tradition here in Alberta
晚會由伯樂先生主持。省長Smith,省藝術文化婦女地位部Tanya Fir部長分別代表政府向在阿爾伯塔省生活和工作的華人華僑及亞洲各地喜迎春節的所有朋友致以新春問候!(她們的講話全文另發)。
五彩繽紛的文藝節目,獅子舞,武術表演更是把晚會推向了高潮。加拿大保守黨黨魁Pierre Poilievre(新一屆政府的有力競爭者)在安大略華人新春晚會上也情不自禁的用中文唱起了《新年好!》,他的歌聲代表了未來政府向整個加拿大華人華僑致以的新春良好祝福!
Danielle Smith省長在農曆新年慶祝活動上的講話:
我很高興與卡爾加裏藝術、文化和婦女地位部長Tanya Fir和卡爾加裏中國文化中心主席Tony Wong一道,在大家慶祝農曆新年和蛇年之際,祝願大家一切順利。
Honorable Danielle Smith’s Remarks at Lunar New Year Celebration
Hello everyone. Happy New Year! It’s my pleasure to join Tanya Fir our Minster of Arts, Culture and Status of Women, and Tony Wong, President of the Calgary Chinese Cultural Centre in wishing all of you the very best as you celebrate the Lunar New Year and the Year of the Snake. I’m told that, as a Zodiac sign, the Snake represents wisdom, knowledge, intelligence, intuition, and creativity. I understand this is specifically the Year of the Wood Snake, a rare event that happens only once every 60 years. I’m sure it’s no accident that it’s occurring now, at a time that feels to be a pivotal moment in history, with changes unfolding here in Canada and south of the border. It’s fitting, then, that the Year of Wood Snake is known to be a time for planning, transformation, and learning from the past. And if there’s one thing the past has taught us, it’s that, even in the face of change, here in Alberta, we can be the creators of our own good fortune. As you know, Alberta’s past includes stories of many people of Asian descent who worked hard to help build and shape the province we are so fortunate to call home. These early pioneers were firm in their belief that with determination, optimism and grit, anything could be possible. They were right. And that attitude remains as strong as ever today in all Albertans. We are grateful for Alberta’s Asian community and appreciate the many ways you have contributed to our province over the decades. Today, Alberta’s wealth includes the values, culture and traditions that founding communities have brought and shared. The Lunar New Year celebration is certainly one of the most vibrant and colourful traditions, and I’m honoured to be a part of this event today. So as we celebrate the beginning of a new and exciting year, I wish you all good health, prosperity, longevity, and success. May you enjoy this special time with friends and family and find even more reasons to celebrate life in Alberta in the year ahead. Thank you, and happy New Year.
Tanya Fir部長在農曆新年慶祝活動上的講話:
Honorable Minister Tanya Fir’s Remark for the Lunar New year Celebration
Good evening, everyone!
It is a great honour to be here tonight among all distinguished guests, honoured former colleagues, community leaders, members of the Calgary Chinese and East Asian communities, as we gather for this special Premier’s Lunar New Year celebration.
Lunar New Year celebrations highlight Alberta’s strength, showcasing cultural richness that make it such a wonderful place to call home.
In this vibrant celebration embraced by Alberta’s Chinese and East Asian communities, we honour growth, celebrate heritage and recognize leaders who uphold these important traditions.
Tonight, we celebrate and welcome the Year of the Wood Snake, symbolizing renewal, transformation and growth。
These values encourage us to approach obstacles with bravery, welcome change with an open mind and seize opportunities to create a better future.
This celebration also highlights the rich heritage and achievements of the Chinese and East Asian communities. Alberta’s government is proud to support partnerships and events that bring people together, such as Lunar New Year celebrations, Spring Festivals, and mid-autumn festivals.
The contributions of Alberta’s Chinese and East Asian communities are essential as they enrich our folkloric landscape, drive economic growth and foster community enrichment。
The Chinese and East Asian communities have shaped Alberta’s identity through traditions, languages, art, business initiatives, cuisine and social contributions.
I want to take a moment to recognize the dedicated community members and leaders who make events like this possible. Premier, for hosting and support.
Your efforts help preserve and celebrate the rich traditions that bring us all closer together.
Let this Lunar New Year remind us of the power of culture to spark creativity and celebrate the Chinese and East Asian communities that makes Alberta strong.
Together, we can celebrate and nurture the arts and cultures that bring us closer! To everyone, I wish you a very happy Lunar New Year! Thank you.