中华新闻通讯社/中华时报伦敦6月18日(赵雪湄)您作为英国48家集团俱乐部主席,又是英中关系“破冰者”的传承人,请问您对脱欧后英中贸易有何期待?Lette From London: As the head of the 48 group club of the Icebreakers, what do you expect from UK-China trade after Brexit ?
斯蒂芬.佩里:美国通过“欧洲研究小组”(现称为“中国研究小组”)来阻挠中国发展。目前,中国有一部分人急切推动中英合作发展,但我认为步伐太快,且为时过早。The USA is pushing back at China’s Golden Era through the European Research Group, now known as the China Research Group. China allowed some enthusiastic forces to push ideas for cooperation between China and the UK to fast and too early.
在与另一个国家合作时,必须清楚其中的敏感问题,不要让竞争对手轻易找到破绽。It is necessary when working with another country to be very aware of the sensitivities and not allow competitors to gain easy targets.
China needs to regroup, learn lessons, and find new ways forward. We have a natural supply and demand. China has funds, technology and a big market. The UK is short of funds and needs new markets. The right ways need to be found by experience being valued.
China needs to regroup, learn lessons, and find new ways forward. We have a natural supply and demand. China has funds, technology and a big market. The UK is short of funds and needs new markets. The right ways need to be found by experience being valued.
如果我们能秉承实事求是的精神,摸着石头过河,我们的合作就会前途光明。但若固步自封,就可能退步甚至摔跟头。中国应该秉持开放理念,在英国通过合资企业进行投资和利益共享,就像在中国国内那样。如果未来两国采取正确一致的做法,我们将会迎来美好未来。If we all seek truth from facts and feel the stones well the future is looking good. But if we try to stand still on old stones we might slip. China needs to be as open minded about investing through Joint ventures and shared benefit in the UK as it is in China. If we use ways that are consistent we shall find a good future.