









此外,对于海外的英国签证申请人,如因旅行受制,还未入境英国之前,30天入境工作、学习和家庭团聚的纸质临时签证就已过期或即将过期的人,可以亲自前往签证申请中心或者联系新冠疫情移民工作组(CIH@homeoffice.gov.uk0800 678 1767)办理替代签证,替代签证的有效期将延长为90天。

此前暂停开放的英速签和24小时超级优先签证服务也将于83日在中国境内签证中心重新开放,届时申请人可按照惯例在VFS Global官网上办理相关服务。

The UK will provide a one-month grace period for Chinese nationals currently in the UK whose visa expires before July 31 2020

A 90-day replacement visa will be available for overseas applicants whose 30-day vignette for work, study or to join family has expired, or is about to expire

Priority Visa Service and Super Priority Visa Service in China will be available again from August 3 2020

Chinese nationals in the UK whose visa expires between Jan 24 and July 31 2020 will be provided with a one-month’s grace period.

As global travel restrictions are lifting, the UK Home Office has reminded that those who are currently still in the UK and whose visa expires between Jan 24 and July 31should take reasonable steps to leave the UK, where it is possible to do so, or apply to regularise their stay in the UK.

A one-month grace period will be given for travel arrangements until Aug 31. For those who are not able to leave before Aug 31 2020, they will need to apply for ‘exceptional indemnity’ by contacting the Coronavirous Immigration Team to show evidence of why they are not able to leave. The indemnity will act as a short-term protection against any adverse action or consequences after the visa has expired. Evidence includes, for instance:

l a confirmed flight ticket with a date after 31 August,

l confirmation of a positive coronavirus test result.

People who decide to stay in the UK and switch to other visa routes could apply in the UK. They may be able to commence work or study whilst their application is under consideration

Previously, the UK has already announced a serial visa extension policy – Those whose visa expires between Jan 24 and July 31 2020 could apply for an extension of their visa until July 31 2020.

For those whose 30-day vignette to travel to the UK for work, study or to join family has expired, or is about to expire, they can request a replacement visa, by either visiting the VACs to arrange or contacting the Coronavirous Immigration Helpline (CIH@homeoffice.gov.uk; 0800 678 1767). On top of this, their new replacement visa will be valid for 90 days.

Priority Visa Service and Super Priority Visa Service in China will be available again from August 3 2020. Customers could purchase these services on VFS Global website as before.

