法国下令关闭一切非必要公共场所France orders non-essential public places to close

(中华时报记者赵雪湄)法国总理爱德华·菲利普下令从格林尼治标准时间14日周六二十三时起,关闭所有非必要公共场所,以应对冠状病毒蔓延。 French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe has ordered the closure of all non-essential public locations from midnight (23:00 GMT Saturday) in response to the coronavirus outbreak.

该措施适用于餐馆,咖啡馆,电影院和迪斯科舞厅以及其他非必须场所。 The measure applies to restaurants, cafes, cinemas and discos, as well as non-essential businesses. 

菲利普总理还呼吁法国人民减少出行,尤其是城镇之间的来往。 Mr Philippe also called on French people to reduce their travel, especially between towns. 

法国周六报告显示,确诊病例急剧上涨,从3,661起猛增到4,499起。 France reported a sharp rise in cases on Saturday, from 3,661 to 4,499.